Category Archives: 2013
[264] QUINTERO, J. A. A. ; SARTORI, E. R. ; ROCHA FILHO, R. C. ; fatibello o . Square-wave voltammetric determination of bezafibrate in pharmaceutical formulations using a cathodically pretreated boron-doped diamond. Talanta (Oxford), v. 103, p. 201-206, 2013.

[262] QUINTERO, J. A. A. ; OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; MEDEIROS, R. A. ; FATIBELLO, O. . Determination of gemfibrozil in pharmaceutical and urine samples by square-wave adsorptive stripping voltammetry using a glassy carbon electrode modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes within a dihexadecyl hydrogen phosphate film. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1992), v. 690, p. 32-37, 2013.

[260] RAMDANI, O. ; METTERS, J. P. ; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Forensic Electrochemistry: Sensing the Molecule of Murder Atropine. Analyst (London. 1877. Print), v. 138, p. 1053-1059, 2013.
[259] GARCIA, L. L. C. ; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Square-wave Voltammetric Determination of Paraquat Using a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes within a Dihexadecylhydrogenphosphate (DHP) Film. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 180, p. 306-311, 2013.
[258] SUAREZ, W. T. ; Pessoa-Neto, O. D. ; SANTOS, V. B. ; NOGUEIRA, A. R. A. ; FARIA, R. C. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; CHAMARRO, J. A. . A Compact Miniaturized Flow System Based on Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramic Technology Coupled to LED Mini-photometer for Determination of Dipyrone in Pharmaceutical Formulations. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), p. 847-855, 2013.
[257] FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; BROWNSON, D. A. C. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Exploring the origins of the apparent electrocatalytic oxidation of kojic acid at graphene modified electrodes. Analyst (London. 1877. Print), v. 138, p. 4436-4442, 2013.
[256] RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A. ; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F.S. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO ; DOCKAL, EDWARD R. ; BONIFÁCIO, VIVIANE GOMES ; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H. . Electrochemical Sensor for Ranitidine Determination Based on Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with Oxovanadium(IV) Salen Complex. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print), v. 33, p. 4081-4085, 2013.
[255] FIORUCCI, ANTÔNIO R. ; CERVINI, PRISCILA ; FATIBELLO FILHO, ORLANDO ; CAVALHEIRO, ÉDER T. G. . Tryptophan Determination at Carbon Fiber Ultramicroelectrodes by Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 24, p. 1228-1236, 2013.
[254] BONIFÁCIO, V. G. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; MARCOLINO JUNIOR, L. H. . Flow-injection spectrophotometric determination of dipyrone in pharmaceutical formulations using a solid-phase reactor with copper(II) phosphate. Central European Journal of Chemistry (Print), v. 11, p. 1830-1836, 2013.
[253] OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; JANEGITZ, B. C. ; ZUCOLOTTO, V. ; FATIBELLO, O. . Differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of methotrexate using a functionalized carbon nanotubes-modified glassy carbon electrode. Central European Journal of Chemistry (Print), v. 11, p. 1837-1843, 2013.
[252] ASBAHR, D. ; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; VICENTINI, F. C. ; OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of nanomolar levels of methotrexate utilising bismuth film modified electrodes. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 188, p. 334-339, 2013.
[251] SUAREZ, W. T. ; SARTORI, E. R. ; FATIBELLO, O. . Alguns Aspectos Conceituais e Práticos do Método de Mohr na Determinação de Cloridrato de Metformina em Formulações Farmacêuticas. Semina. Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas (Impresso), v. 34, p. 23-30, 2013.
[250] VICENTINI, FERNANDO CAMPANHÃ ; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C. ; BRETT, CHRISTOPHER M.A. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO . Tyrosinase biosensor based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride within a dihexadecylphosphate film. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 188, p. 1101-1108, 2013.
[249] MEDEIROS, ROBERTA A. ; MATOS, ROBERTO ; BENCHIKH, ABDELKADER ; SAIDANI, BOUALEM ; DEBIEMME-CHOUVY, CATHERINE ; [250] DESLOUIS, CLAUDE ; ROCHA-FILHO, ROMEU C. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO . Amorphous Carbon Nitride as an Alternative Electrode Material in Electroanalysis: Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid. Analytica Chimica Acta (Print), v. 797, p. 30-39, 2013.
[248] SARTORI, ELEN ROMÃO ; TRENCH, ALINE BARRIOS ; ROCHA-FILHO, ROMEU C. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO . Determination of Propylthiouracil in Pharmaceuticals by Differential Pulse Voltammetry Using a Cathodically Pretreated Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 24, p. 1504-1511, 2013.
[247] LOURENCAO, BRUNA C. ; BACCARIN, MARINA ; MEDEIROS, ROBERTA A. ; ROCHA-FILHO, ROMEU C. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO . Differential Pulse Voltammetric Determination of Albendazole in Pharmaceutical Tablets using a Cathodically Pretreated Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1992), v. 707, p. 15-19, 2013.
[246] STEFFENS, C. ; MANZOLI, A. ; LEITE, F.L. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; HERRMANN, P.S.P. . Atomic force microscope microcantilevers used as sensors for monitoring humidity. Microelectronic Engineering, v. 113, p. 80-85, 2013.
[245] BROWNSON, DALE A. C. ; FIGUEIREDO-FILHO, LUIZ C. S. ; JI, XIAOBO ; GÓMEZ-MINGOT, MARIA ; INIESTA, JESÚS ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO ; KAMPOURIS, DIMITRIOUS K. ; BANKS, CRAIG E. . Freestanding three-dimensional graphene foam gives rise to beneficial electrochemical signatures within non-aqueous media. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, v. 1, p. 5962-5972, 2013.
[244] FIORUCCI, ANTÔNIO R. ; CERVINI, PRISCILA ; FATIBELLO FILHO, ORLANDO ; CAVALHEIRO, ÉDER T. G. . Tryptophan Determination at Carbon Fiber Ultramicroelectrodes by Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 24, p. 1228-1236, 2013.
[243] BONIFÁCIO, V. G. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; MARCOLINO JUNIOR, L. H. . Flow-injection spectrophotometric determination of dipyrone in pharmaceutical formulations using a solid-phase reactor with copper(II) phosphate. Central European Journal of Chemistry (Print), v. 11, p. 1830-1836, 2013.
[242] OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; JANEGITZ, B. C. ; ZUCOLOTTO, V. ; FATIBELLO, O. . Differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of methotrexate using a functionalized carbon nanotubes-modified glassy carbon electrode. Central European Journal of Chemistry (Print), v. 11, p. 1837-1843, 2013.
[241] ASBAHR, D. ; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; VICENTINI, F. C. ; OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of nanomolar levels of methotrexate utilising bismuth film modified electrodes. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 188, p. 334-339, 2013.
[240] VICENTINI, FERNANDO CAMPANHÃ ; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C. ; BRETT, CHRISTOPHER M.A. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO . Tyrosinase biosensor based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride within a dihexadecylphosphate film. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 188, p. 1101-1108, 2013.
[239] FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; BROWNSON, D. A. C. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Exploring the origins of the apparent electrocatalytic oxidation of kojic acid at graphene modified electrodes. Analyst (London. 1877. Print), v. 138, p. 4436-4442, 2013.
[238] RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A. ; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F.S. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO ; DOCKAL, EDWARD R. ; BONIFÁCIO, VIVIANE GOMES ; MARCOLINO-JUNIOR, LUIZ H. . Electrochemical Sensor for Ranitidine Determination Based on Carbon Paste Electrode Modified with Oxovanadium(IV) Salen Complex. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print), v. 33, p. 4081-4085, 2013.
[237] SUAREZ, W.T.; PESSOA – NETO, O. D.; SANTOS, V. B dos.; NOGUEIRA, A. A.; FARIA, R. C.; FATIBELLO, O. F.; CHAMARROD, J. A. A Compact Miniaturized Flow System Based on Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramic Technology Coupled to LED Mini-photometer for Determination of Dipyrone in Pharmaceutical Formulations. J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 24, No. 5, 847-855, 2013.
[236] SARTORI, E. R. ; SANTOS, V. B. dos ; TRENCH, A. B. ; FATIBELLO, O. Construção de uma Célula Eletrolítica para o Ensino de Eletrólise a Partir de Materiais de Baixo Custo. Química Nova na Escola, Vol. 35, N° 2, p. 107-111, 2013.
[235] QUINTERO, J. A. A. ; SARTORI, E. R. ; ROCHA FILHO, R. C. ; fatibello o . Square-wave voltammetric determination of bezafibrate in pharmaceutical formulations using a cathodically pretreated boron-doped diamond. Talanta (Oxford), v. 103, p. 201-206, 2013.
[234] FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; JANEGITZ, B. C. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; MARCOLINO JUNIOR, L. H. ; BANKS, C. E. . Inexpensive and disposable copper mini-sensor modified with bismuth for lead and cadmium determination using square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry. Analytical Methods (Print), v. 05, p. 202-207, 2013.
[233] QUINTERO, J. A. A. ; OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; MEDEIROS, R. A. ; FATIBELLO, O. . Determination of gemfibrozil in pharmaceutical and urine samples by square-wave adsorptive stripping voltammetry using a glassy carbon electrode modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes within a dihexadecyl hydrogen phosphate film. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (1992), v. 690, p. 32-37, 2013.
[232] RAMDANI, O. ; METTERS, J. P. ; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Forensic Electrochemistry: Sensing the Molecule of Murder Atropine. Analyst (London. 1877. Print), v. 138, p. 1053-1059, 2013.
[231] GARCIA, L. L. C. ; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. DE ; OLIVEIRA, G. G. DE ; FATIBELLO, O. ; BANKS, C. E. . Square-wave Voltammetric Determination of Paraquat Using a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes within a Dihexadecylhydrogenphosphate (DHP) Film. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 180, p. 306-311, 2013.
[230] BROWNSON, D. A. C. ; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, L. C. S. ; JI, X. ; GOMEZ-MINGOT, M. ; INIESTA, J. ; FATIBELLO, O. ; KAMPOURIS, D. K. ; BANKS, C. E. . Freestanding three-dimensional graphene foam gives rise to beneficial electrochemical signatures within non-aqueous media. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, v. 1, p. 5962-5972, 2013.